The Problem with Siths

There are tons of videos explaining why Star Wars prequels are so bad. But I don't remember anyone talking about this problem with prequels Maybe because it is not so big problem in prequels. It is bigger problem for Star Wars mythos as whole.

This is my first look to dark side this October. Next one will be look into other dark mythos. Halloween is not such a big deal in Finland but because everyone else seems to celebrate it in Internet I thought I could release couple slightly Halloween themed videos. Next one will be more suitable for Halloween.

Cameras, Cameras Everywhere

I have published videos on Wednesdays lately. I published this on Monday since there might be camera announcements on Tuesday and I wanted this out before that.

This is my addition to random noise of new camera releases. I give my thoughts on new camera releases and what I want to see. I mainly shoot video so my opinions are based on video features.

Footage was shot with Sony A6300 + Sony 10-18 mm F4, DJI Mavic Air and DJI Osmo. I seriously want DJI Osmo 2 even when new GoPro Hero 7 looks quite good. Osmo can still do things GoPro Hero can't.