Best Albums of 2019 - Supplementary

This list contains music I found 2019 and music by band who released only EPs or singles 2019. To qualify for this list video has to be something I haven’t shared in this blog earlier. I will start with something that probably should have been on Best Albums of 2019 list.

Angel Witch: Angel of Light

This is bit embarrassing. I really liked the album when I checked it first place. I liked it so much I went to check everything else they have released. Angel Witch is not the most versatile band there is. Listening too much of them in short time made me burn out to their music. It happened before I bought this album. So I don’t have this yet. I have listened it enough to know it should be on the list. If I needed one more album to list I would have added this one even though I don’t have it yet. I will get it soon.

Yukueshirezutsurezure: BrightDark

If I made another Japanese or Asian edition this would have been on it but that would have been cheating. BrightDark is YukueshirezuTsurezure’s re-recording album of their old song with current members. It even has re-recordings of songs from last year’s exFallen album. It being cheap and kind of best of album it is good introductory album for anyone new. This song is on album but not this version. They haven’t released any videos of new versions. So I used this original video from 2017.

Necronomidol: Scions of the Blasted Heath

Necronomidol didn’t release full lenght album this year. They released Scions of the Blasted Heath ep and came to Finland. I never thought I will see them live. Now I have seen them and there is change to see them again next year if they are still willing to come back next year. I feared Sari couldn’t be replaced but Michelle has been excellent as weird one of the group. Not trying to be like Sari but being her own kind of weird. This would have been part of first idol edition if video was released when I wrote the post. Video was released quite long after the ep.

DreamSpirit: Warriors of Heaven's Descend

I found DreamSpirit this year. Got all their releases. They didn’t release full length album this year. Only Warriors of Heaven’s Descend EP. DreamSpirit is big reason why I made this post. They were one of the bands who blew my mind this year and they deserve to be brought up. I am not fan of power metal but this works.

Suld: The Memory of Nomadism

After I found The Hu I wanted to find more similar music. Suld is one of the bands I found. DreamSpirit was another but Suld is Mongolian Folk Metal like The Hu. The Memory of Nomadism wasn’t released 2019. Suld was band I found this year.

Nine Treasures: Wisdom Eyes

I am probably telling too much about my music buying habits. I tend to check lot of bands. If I get really excited I buy albums right away. If I have just bought something I add albums to very long wish list and get back to them later. I was pretty sure I had bought Nine Treasure’s albums already. I was shocked to see they are still on my wish list. I corrected the mistake. Listening the album now I don’t understand why I didn’t buy it when I found it.

Heathen Apostles: Bloodgrass Vol. I & II

Heathen Apostles released Dust to Dust this year. I don’t have it and they haven’t released any videos for it. I have last year’s Bloodgrass Vol. I & II. Album is named like that because both parts were relased as EPs first. Heathen Apostles was this year’s findings. I will buy their albums every now and then. Haven’t got to Dust to Dust yet.

Rykarda Parasol: Against the Sun

Rykadra Parasol was this year’s findings. She didn’t release anything this year and there is good change she won’t be releasing anything any more. I bought all here albums in quick phase after I found her. My favorite song of her is “Atheists Have Songs Too”. After hearing it I had to get her albums. It is second track of Against the Sun. Cloak of Comedy is the first.

Chubby Wolf: Turkey Decoy

I am not sure if Rykadra Parasol will release anything anymore. I am sure Chubby Wolf won’t be releasing. It makes you sad to find talented artist who has died so young. In Chubby Wolf’s case she managed to make lot of interesting music before she went away. I found her music ten years after her death.

I can’t put video for last artist I want to mention. I can’t find any videos from Youtube which would even remotely look like it is legally there. You can find tons of his music from Youtube but if there is anything legally uploaded there it is hard to find. Some of the music is also hard to find if you want to buy it and it won’t be cheap. I know because I spent too much money for it earlier this year. When there is no digital releases and physical releases are rare prices tend to go up. Artist’s name is Akira Yamaoka. If that doesn’t ring any bells name Silent Hill might ring some bells. Akira Yamaoka made music for first seven Silent Hill games. You can find soundtracks for last three in iTunes. But for first four I had to buy as cds and those were released in limited quantities long time ago. It wasn’t cheap but now I got all seven soundtracks. This made Akira Yamaoka my most played artist of 2019.