Best thing at the moment: Death Grips - I've Seen Footage

Last week I had script for video but no idea what to shoot. Then I watched Death Grips’ I’ve Seen Footage and knew exactly what I wanted to do. Now I have video ready to be uploaded to Youtube heavily inspired by this video. This post’s thumbnail is from earlier version of my video. What will go to Youtube will be little different.

I found Death Grips earlier this year from link in group I was in. Link was to cyberpunk site which had post telling about Death Grips. Death Grips is not cyberpunk. It is something else. You could say it hip hop group with artistic tendencies and who doesn’t care about anything. But that doesn’t say what the group actually is. Their roots are in hip hop but they are so experimental on everything labeling them just hip hop band doesn’t make justice to what they are.

Death Grips is more of a experience than band. They have ideas they go full on without compromises. Ideas aren’t always that good but energy and attitude they put in makes them work most of the times. I’ve Seen Footage is good gateway to world of Death Grips. It will get weirder when you get deeper. I have’t found anything else getting even close to Death Grips.