My favorite albums of 2020 part 2

I guess it is time for second part of the list. This time I have more Japanese music. I had burn out with Idol groups but I still like some of them and they have released good music. Let’s start with

YukueshirezuTsurezure - Paradox Soar

Paradox Soar was just released outside Japan. I like everything YukueshirezuTsurezure has released. Some of the earlier singles hinted they might have toned down screaming parts but it didn’t happen as you can see in this video.

Pedro - Roman

Another just released album. I didn’t like anything Pedro released before the album as much as I liked their first album Thumb Sucker but the album won me over. I am not sure if they remixed the songs for the album or made different versions but on album I like the previously released songs better than when they were released.

Kotoful - 百物語

Album was released last year in Japan but rest of the world got it this year. So it is on this list. I shared the video around new year. Then I expected the album to be on this list. I was correct. I don’t have much to tell about the band. I assume they are not that famous which is shame because they make so interesting music.

Tricot - 真っ黒

I had big problems getting this album from iTunes. I preordered it but didn’t get it for couple months. I had to tell their help desk to cancel the preorder and I bought it from elsewhere. I got two more songs but it wasn’t worth waiting couple months for one of my favorite albums of the year.

Necry Talkie - Zoo!!

Necry Talkie is one of very few bands making happy music I like. I don’t understand what they sing about. So lyrics may not be that happy but music sounds happy. I have shared this video earlier talking more about the band then.

Okinawa Electric Girl Saya - Neo Saya

If I understood it correctly this is not proper album. This was released to fund her Asian tour. But then Covid-19 happened. I almost ordered cd version of the album the get this song. I didn’t have to do it because album was released digitally little later. Okinawa Electric Girl Saya is one of the most interesting experimental artists at the moment but she seems to release too much music which makes her music bit too uneven. Every now and then she releases gems like this song. Album doesn’t have low points which is not always the case with her music.

Carpenter Brut - Blood Machines soundtrack

I want to like Carpenter Brut more than I do. I heard them first time in Tuska few years ago. They somehow fitted to metal festival. From time to time I have checked their music but it has not worked. I wouldn’t say something was missing because feeling is more like there is too much of everything. It changed with Blood Machines soundtrack. They couldn’t put too much of everything to soundtrack. It had to support the movie not to be the main thing.

Shedir - Finite Infinity

Bandcamp gave everything to artists on first friday of the month. Cyclic Law had sale on that day. I had already bought too much music. But when I listened this album I had to get her first album Falling Time too. It was on sale and everything went to artists. If you want to check her music Falling Time is probably better starting points for new comers to the genre. Both are good albums.

Alphaxone - Dystopian Gate

Time to add something from Cryo Chamber. I am running out of things to say about the label. Love what they release. I have bought almost everything they have released last few years. I could add more from them to these lists. Their releases sound the label even though artists are different. I don’t mean artists sound the same but there is something telling this is from Cryo Chamber.

Lesa Listy - Unheard of

Another album and artist from Cryo Chamber. I put it here partly to prove a point. If you listen to this and Alphaxone back to back you hear there is more common than different. But there is something different. Each artist brings their own flavor but Cryo Chamber’s mastering give albums similar tone. All albums are mastered by same guy. This comes clearer when you listen same artist’s music released by Cryo Chamber and released by someone else. Non Cryo Chamber releases are edgier and rougher. Cryo Chamber treatment makes music smoother. I might make post about this later with examples if I find good examples.

I like to keep these lists ten videos long. Now we have hit that limit. I realized it might not be clear Okinawa Electric Girl Saya was last Japanese artist. Rest of the videos don’t show artists and songs are instrumentals so it might not be clear. I am not sure if Carpenter Brut is artist or band. I have seen them been called both. That was why I used they.

I might have to keep this list three posts long. It doesn’t look like there will be enough albums for four posts. I know three upcoming albums which likely make to the list and few released ones which will be there. But it won’t make to 20. I might have fourth post of artist I found this year who didn’t release anything this year.