
I liked Venom

If you want written Venom review you can find it here.

I said you can hear ZebraHZ 2.8 in this video. You can but you hear more Spitfire Audio's Eric Whitacre Choir. I wrote and recorded dialog before making music. I ended up giving choir bigger role than I planned. I planned to use more ZebraHZ but I felt it didn't need more than it has now.

Best thing at the moment - Necronomidol

First time I heard about Necronomidol was in Cracker article. You should check it if you want to know more about insanity that is Japanese pop music. Back then they had released four eps and were about to release their first full length album. Back then they were weird curiosity with few interesting songs like one below. I bought two eps because to be honest those were quite uneven and forgot the band when first full length album didn’t impress me.

But I didn’t unsubscribed their Youtube channel. About month ago they released video for Strange Aeons. I watched it out of curiosity. I was blown away how good the song was and how they had found their style without losing what made them interesting first place. They were no longer interesting weird Japanese band. They were actually good metal band. When I checked their previous albums I found they released their first really good album right after I forgot them. Song below is from that album From Chaos Born.

If you want to check the band after watching these videos any record after From Chaos Born is good start. I don’t understand language. I assume they sing about similar topics in other songs as they sing in videos which have subtitles. Not understanding lyrics hasn’t stopped enjoying the music. In some cases it is even better if you don’t understand lyrics. Not saying it is in this case. My favorite Necronomidol song is Ithaqua. Thanks to subtitles I know what they sing about.

I wrote this before Necronomidol announced Sari and Hina will leave the group. I am not sure what to think about it. Group has had several members during its life time but Sari has been there from the start and she is big part of the band’s image. Group will continue to be what they have been but I will miss Sari for not being part of it.

The Old Ones Awake

Here is little lovecraftian horror video for your Halloween enjoyment. It was inspirited by two Cthulhu tracts and stories of H.P. Lovecraft. Original plan was not to follow Cthulhu tracts' template where one person is telling other about the old ones to someone who doesn't believe them but I couldn't make dialog work without doing it.

If you want to know more about this video check my making of blog post here.

The Problem with Siths

There are tons of videos explaining why Star Wars prequels are so bad. But I don't remember anyone talking about this problem with prequels Maybe because it is not so big problem in prequels. It is bigger problem for Star Wars mythos as whole.

This is my first look to dark side this October. Next one will be look into other dark mythos. Halloween is not such a big deal in Finland but because everyone else seems to celebrate it in Internet I thought I could release couple slightly Halloween themed videos. Next one will be more suitable for Halloween.

Cameras, Cameras Everywhere

I have published videos on Wednesdays lately. I published this on Monday since there might be camera announcements on Tuesday and I wanted this out before that.

This is my addition to random noise of new camera releases. I give my thoughts on new camera releases and what I want to see. I mainly shoot video so my opinions are based on video features.

Footage was shot with Sony A6300 + Sony 10-18 mm F4, DJI Mavic Air and DJI Osmo. I seriously want DJI Osmo 2 even when new GoPro Hero 7 looks quite good. Osmo can still do things GoPro Hero can't.

What is Sport

This is video I have planned for some time. I have had the idea for over a year. I don't know if anyone else care about what is sport. Maybe some people want their hobby to be called sport for credibility reasons. This is my attempt to define what is sport.

For that I shot some sporting footage. Footage was shot with fatbike and DJI Osmo. I hope Youtube doesn't compress it to pixelated mess. If it does I like to know how to render video with DaVinci Resolve which Youtube doesn't compress into mess. Version I uploaded wasn't mess.