I found Hiemis or they were thrown towards me and I missed them first time

It was first time someone gave me anything for free because of this blog and I completely missed it. Someone sent me codes for new Hiemis album La Chose last May and it took until October until I found out about it. This is how professionally I run this blog. I missed first notification back then. I thanked them and apologized for late reply. Checked album with idea I will forget if it didn’t work. I didn’t promise blog posts or anything.

Turns out they knew my music taste and my love of Cryo Chamber releases. I don’t know how they label their music. I would use label dark cinematic ambience Cryo Chamber use for their music. Hiemis’ music is more melodic the Cryo Chamber’s releases. I would say it is more cinematic thanks to more melodic nature.

You can guess I liked La Chose because you are reading this post. I don’t think I have told why I like cinematic ambient music. It is perfect background music taking your mind to different levels without needing too much concentration to music itself. You are in this mental place and suddenly you realize it was music you are listening that took you there. It is bit like soundtrack to science fiction movie but it doesn’t need to react to movies cuts and scene changes. I want that mental place to be somewhat enjoyable. Maybe little dark with some sadness. Place feeling otherworldly is plus.

It is sometimes frustrating trying to find that kind of ambient music. Some ambient artists don’t aim to create pleasant places. They may create feeling of automated factory with unpleasant sounds. I have so specific taste of ambient music it is hard to find artists who have similar taste. Hiemis seem to share that taste.

Post has links to three Hiemis’ albums. You can check them if they take you to place you like to be or find interesting. If you want to send me your music I promise to check it when I finally see the message but I don’t promise to write post about it. I wrote this because I wanted to share the music. If I don’t write about your music it doesn’t mean it is bad. It is just that it is not to my taste or I have completely missed your message. I probably missed your message.