Favorite Music

Music favorites of September and October of 2021

I think it is Bandcamp Friday when this comes out. I hope so. Last time I mentioned Bandcamp Friday in post it was only month of the year when there wasn’t Bandcamp Friday. Speaking of Bandcamp I start to put Bandcamp links in this list for albums I got from Bandcamp. Saves me time to search for the videos and helps you finding and buying the album from Bandcamp. I assume some of the albums don’t have videos.

Before getting any further this list doesn’t albums I have mentioned in previous post. Hiemis good. Kuutanic good. Rivers of Nihil good. Archspire good. We Butter the Bread with Butter good. Now we can move on.

Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe: Candyman

It has been a while since I bought movie soundtracks. I got few good ones during these two months. First is Candyman soundtrack. Haven’t seen the movie and not going to. There was Bandcamp post about album which made me check it. Weird interesting electronic music from horror movie.

Halloween Kills OST

Another horror movie soundtrack from movie I am not going to see. If you like John Carpenter’s soundtrack music this is as good as it gets. His soundtrack for previous Halloween movie is also good.

The Art and Soul of Dune Official Soundtrack

Latest Dune movie got three soundtracks. Real one, sketch version and one for companion book. I got all of them. I think one for companion book is best of them. Sketch version have tracks with themes which have moments of silence between them. Soundtrack is made to work with moving pictures. Companion book music is best one for background music. Even when I bought all three albums I think there could have been better artists for this kind of music. But Hans Zimmer wanted to do this and he has done some good soundtracks.

Planet Supreme: Creation of a Star

When I said I could think better artist for Dune soundtrack than Hans Zimmer most of them release music on Cryo Chamber. If they make God Emperor of Dune movie they should ask Cryo Chamber collaboration to make music for it. I don’t have much to say about Planet Supreme. This album is just album I like.

Beyond the Ghost: The Desolation Age

Another Cryo Chamber release I just like. Don’t know much about the artist. If you listened Dune video and these two albums don’t you think these two do the other worldly sound better?

The Bridge City Sinners: Unholy Hymns

I had hard time waiting for next Bandcamp Friday after I learned about The Bridge City Sinners. They have excellent videos but I got this Bandcamp so Bandcamp link. Gothic americana with punk attitude. Found them when I was looking for similar bands to…

Heathen Apostles: Bloodgrass Vol. 3 EP

Gothic americana with little less punk attitude. It has been a while since Heathen Apostles released full length album. Releasing first two Bloodgrass EPs as one album doesn’t count. But at least we get new music every now and then.

Enji: Ursgal

I might be weird but I get Blade Runner & Cowboy Bebop feeling from this album. Found this when saw Bandcamp post about the album. If I remember correctly these songs tell about her life as outsider in big city. That is what Blade Runner and Cowboy Bebop tell about. I guess jazz and subject matter connects this to those.

Wytch: Exordium

I might have mentioned Cryo Chamber before. Ripple Music could became similar label for stoner and doom for me. I am trying to limit my music purchases. I had hard time doing that when I checked few albums from the label. Everything just seemed to work. Wytch is good example.

Steve Von Till: A Life Unto Itself

Went to check this because this was name your price record for one week. Steve Von Till is member of Neurosis. I like the band but have never checked his solo material. Based on this album that has been mistake. Man and guitar with some supporting instruments giving weird feeling. Loving it.

Lana Del Rey: Blue Banisters

I usually limit these lists to ten entries. This time I have to go to eleven. Blue Banisters is Lana Del Ray’s second album of 2021. I remember waiting for new Lana Del Rey album for ages. Now we have got three albums in relatively short time. Both 2021 albums have songs which could have been easily dropped but both are mostly solid albums with some really good songs.

That was it for this time. I had to drop Kadavar, Lucifer, Heldom and many Ripple Music artists from list. I think two months was too long period for the list this time.

I found Hiemis or they were thrown towards me and I missed them first time

It was first time someone gave me anything for free because of this blog and I completely missed it. Someone sent me codes for new Hiemis album La Chose last May and it took until October until I found out about it. This is how professionally I run this blog. I missed first notification back then. I thanked them and apologized for late reply. Checked album with idea I will forget if it didn’t work. I didn’t promise blog posts or anything.

Turns out they knew my music taste and my love of Cryo Chamber releases. I don’t know how they label their music. I would use label dark cinematic ambience Cryo Chamber use for their music. Hiemis’ music is more melodic the Cryo Chamber’s releases. I would say it is more cinematic thanks to more melodic nature.

You can guess I liked La Chose because you are reading this post. I don’t think I have told why I like cinematic ambient music. It is perfect background music taking your mind to different levels without needing too much concentration to music itself. You are in this mental place and suddenly you realize it was music you are listening that took you there. It is bit like soundtrack to science fiction movie but it doesn’t need to react to movies cuts and scene changes. I want that mental place to be somewhat enjoyable. Maybe little dark with some sadness. Place feeling otherworldly is plus.

It is sometimes frustrating trying to find that kind of ambient music. Some ambient artists don’t aim to create pleasant places. They may create feeling of automated factory with unpleasant sounds. I have so specific taste of ambient music it is hard to find artists who have similar taste. Hiemis seem to share that taste.

Post has links to three Hiemis’ albums. You can check them if they take you to place you like to be or find interesting. If you want to send me your music I promise to check it when I finally see the message but I don’t promise to write post about it. I wrote this because I wanted to share the music. If I don’t write about your music it doesn’t mean it is bad. It is just that it is not to my taste or I have completely missed your message. I probably missed your message.

Music favorites of August 2021

This will probably be last monthly music favorites post. I have bought too much music lately and try to limit my purchases for the rest of the year. This list won’t contain We Butter The Bread With Butter because I made post about them earlier. Otherwise they would be on list.

Rivers of Nihil: The Work

This is departure from Rivers of Nihil’s previous album. I am not yet sure what to think about their new style. Where Owls Know My Name is one of my favorite death metal albums. First single Clean didn’t work as well as this second one. I can see where they are going and like it but I liked previous material better. Whole album might work better.

Archspire: Bleed the Future

Another preorder. This song is just amazing. Afterwards I found guitarist Dean Lamb’s Youtube channel which has fun learning videos. I preordered this album and bought previous.

Inferi: Vile Genesis

Went deeper into death metal rabbit hole this month. Also preorder. This and Archspire made me realize I haven’t checked technical death metal bands lately. I should do it if there are more this good music.

Massacre: Resurgence

Not so technical death metal. At least compared to previous two. There is something with Lovecraft inspired death metal. This is also preorder so I can’t say much about the album but this song is pretty good.

Dvne: Etemen Ænka

Bandcamp made post about Dune inspired metal. Dvne was one of the bands. Band reminds me little of Ahab. Probably wouldn’t have run into band without that post. Glad I did. These albums are one reason to listen all six Frank Herbert Dune books.

Sandrider: Godhead

I found Sandrider from same Bandcamp post. I think I bought almost all albums from the post. Sandrider and Dvne were best ones. Will check their other albums later.

Eons Enthroned: Into the Arcane

Another Dune inspired song but not from that post. I am not into power metal. For some reason Eons Enthroned worked. Maybe it is because they sing about science fiction. They have Blade Runner themed song but it is not on this album.

Ningen Isu: Kuraku

New Ningen Isu. Of course it will be on this list. Solid album but it might not have big hit like the previous one which introduced band to many new fans. Band isn’t just that one big song. They other material is really good too.

Danheim: Domadagr

Danheim found working formula on last album. He still has it on this one. I know I don’t have much to say about these albums because I have got too many of them lately.

Kuunatic: Gate of Klüna

Weird. Checked. Japanese. Checked. This is first single from album Gate of Klüna. Don’t know much about the band or what the album will be but this song sounds promising.

I just realized half of these were preorders. I bough released albums too but these were most exciting ones. Also earlier preordered albums were released this month. Wolves in the Throne Room’s and Danko Jones’ new albums are ok but not as exciting as these ones. Old favorites have to do better than ok to be exciting. I think I have posted something from both albums before.

Music favorites of January and February 2021

I stop making favorite albums of year lists this year. I rather post about what I have found during the year. List has this year’s releases and older ones. Not sure if I will post these every other month or other frequency yet. List won’t be ten albums long.

Aina The End: The End

Lately I have been more exited about BISH’s members’ solo efforts than the band’s music. Ayuni D’s Pedro has released two good albums. Now is Aina The End’s turn to release solo album. I was completely sold when I saw this video. This is the best song of album but not the only good one.

Heavenstamp: From the Basement

Heavenstamp has been on my radar before but From the Basement is first release I have bought. It is EP with couple really good songs and some ok songs. I checked their older material and probably will get to that later.

First Summer Uika: Chameleon

One more from Japan. This time only single. Video is funny and song is good. If I have understood correctly this is her first single and she has been member of idol group before. Definitely looking forward more music from her.

The Dead South: Good Company

I have known this song and video for some time. Haven’t bought album until now. Other songs didn’t work as well when I have listened previews. Until now. I have listened the previews quite a few times because I like this song. Probably I needed to start playing acoustic guitar more until the band started working for me. Or the reason is better songs are on first half and second made me not to buy this before.

The Devil Makes Three: A Little Bit Faster and a Little Bit Worse

I found The Devil Makes Three same time as The Dead South. Got their self titled album which I like very much but other albums didn’t work as well. Until now. Probably for same reasons as The Dead South or I checked the most popular album in iTunes which I don’t like as much as their other albums. I am not sure if this is actually live album or is it made to sound little like live album. I don’t think they have these songs on other albums. They have live albums which are clearly titled as live albums. This isn’t. I really like the album title by the way.

Shrine: Ordeal 26.04.86

Cyclic Law had winter sale. Picked this from there. Album is Chernobyl theme album. One of these posts I mentioned how Cryo Chamber makes bands and artists mold into their template. Listening this and Shrine’s Cryo Chamber album Quintessence shows how music has lost some roughness on Cryo Chamber. Not that one is better than other. I was going to put album of other artist who has released music with and without Cryo Chamber here but there wasn’t a video for without Cryo Chamber album. His with Cryo Chamber album is probably on next list. I will get it next Bandcamp Friday.

Justin Graves: The Devil’s Business soundtrack

Talking about Bandcamp Friday. This was put to Crippled Black Phoenix’s Bandcamp during last Bandcamp Friday. They have put interesting releases there each Bandcamp Friday. Probably same happens next time too.. This is soundtrack but if you like Crippled Black Phoenix you probably like this too.

Black Brunswicker: In the Age of Aristocracy

Bandcamp Friday findings. I could have put any other Black Brunswicker album here. Didn’t get everything from their Bandcamp but got few releases. Also got couple albums from band Awakened Souls ( https://awakenedsouls.bandcamp.com/) but I can’t find their music from Youtube. Entered into weird new age / religious rabbit hole when I tried to do so.

Beyond the Ghost: The Last Resort

This list was missing Cryo Chamber releases. Not any more. They release something every other week. I haven’t got the latest release yet. This is one. Third is collection album and fourth is

Sabled Sun: 2149

Sabled Sun is Cryo Chamber’s owner’s project. One of them. It released six Signal albums before starting ongoing 214X series of albums. 2149 is interesting because it breaks away from Cryo Chamber formula. At least how I see Cryo Chamber formula. It is not big departure but coming from label’s owner it makes you think if label is diversifying its sound in future. For few years you could have expected to all Cryo Chamber releases to fit into similar mold.

That was tenth video and I promised this won’t be ten videos long. I already made dedicated posts of Clipping (got their last three albums) and Danny Brown (Atrocity Exhibition). Maybe I should do this monthly. One more because I promised this won’t be ten videos long.

Red Sparowes: Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun

I have had Red Sparowes’ The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein Lies The Answer for over ten years but for some reason never got their other albums. I got the album after A Storm of Light was so convincing live. One day one song from the album comes up on playlist and I check what else band has released. Should have got more of their albums earlier. I have few other similar bands and artist which wait for their songs to have big enough impact to make me check their other material.

One more thing. There is this H.P. Lovecraft themed idol group who released album this week. I didn’t know about it when I filled my record buying quota for the month. I will get to that album next time.