Music favorites of August 2021

This will probably be last monthly music favorites post. I have bought too much music lately and try to limit my purchases for the rest of the year. This list won’t contain We Butter The Bread With Butter because I made post about them earlier. Otherwise they would be on list.

Rivers of Nihil: The Work

This is departure from Rivers of Nihil’s previous album. I am not yet sure what to think about their new style. Where Owls Know My Name is one of my favorite death metal albums. First single Clean didn’t work as well as this second one. I can see where they are going and like it but I liked previous material better. Whole album might work better.

Archspire: Bleed the Future

Another preorder. This song is just amazing. Afterwards I found guitarist Dean Lamb’s Youtube channel which has fun learning videos. I preordered this album and bought previous.

Inferi: Vile Genesis

Went deeper into death metal rabbit hole this month. Also preorder. This and Archspire made me realize I haven’t checked technical death metal bands lately. I should do it if there are more this good music.

Massacre: Resurgence

Not so technical death metal. At least compared to previous two. There is something with Lovecraft inspired death metal. This is also preorder so I can’t say much about the album but this song is pretty good.

Dvne: Etemen Ænka

Bandcamp made post about Dune inspired metal. Dvne was one of the bands. Band reminds me little of Ahab. Probably wouldn’t have run into band without that post. Glad I did. These albums are one reason to listen all six Frank Herbert Dune books.

Sandrider: Godhead

I found Sandrider from same Bandcamp post. I think I bought almost all albums from the post. Sandrider and Dvne were best ones. Will check their other albums later.

Eons Enthroned: Into the Arcane

Another Dune inspired song but not from that post. I am not into power metal. For some reason Eons Enthroned worked. Maybe it is because they sing about science fiction. They have Blade Runner themed song but it is not on this album.

Ningen Isu: Kuraku

New Ningen Isu. Of course it will be on this list. Solid album but it might not have big hit like the previous one which introduced band to many new fans. Band isn’t just that one big song. They other material is really good too.

Danheim: Domadagr

Danheim found working formula on last album. He still has it on this one. I know I don’t have much to say about these albums because I have got too many of them lately.

Kuunatic: Gate of Klüna

Weird. Checked. Japanese. Checked. This is first single from album Gate of Klüna. Don’t know much about the band or what the album will be but this song sounds promising.

I just realized half of these were preorders. I bough released albums too but these were most exciting ones. Also earlier preordered albums were released this month. Wolves in the Throne Room’s and Danko Jones’ new albums are ok but not as exciting as these ones. Old favorites have to do better than ok to be exciting. I think I have posted something from both albums before.